Negotiate and enforce a collective bargaining agreement.On average, union workers earned 21% more per week than their non-union counterparts.
Give you a voice on the job. Unions protect workers from arbitrary employer actions relating to discipline and dismissals. That protection makes jobs better and often leads union members to stay at their jobs longer than non-union workers. Better training, lower turnover, and a clear role for workers’ voices in making decisions about how work gets done also means unions increase productivity.
In a non-union workplace, management retains the legal right to make all decisions regarding the workplace. Benefits including pay, pensions, healthcare, severance, vacations, and holidays can be arbitrarily cut without giving notice to the employees.
With a union, benefits and other working conditions cannot be changed at the whim of a manager or upper management; any changes to terms and conditions of employment have to be negotiated, and the members of the union or their elected representatives are able to vote for or against proposed changes. This system makes it more likely that an employer will avoid actions that it cannot justify to its employees.