
and their families enjoy higher wages, whole family insurance and the best benefits in the industry!


As a union electrician, you will make an industry leading wage in accordance with the area in which you are working. We call it the “Area Standard” wage. The rest of the benefit are in addition to the take home pay.

Apprentices receive a percentage of Journeyman wage in accordance with experience.

The IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) takes pride in its dedication in providing success, security, and safety while you work professionally with your peers on some of the most challenging projects in the industry.

The benefits IBEW members and their families receive are quite extensive and rewarding, allowing you to work and retire with dignity.

You & your family will enjoy

  • Full Family Health Care during your career and throughout your retirement
  • Multiple defined pensions which pay out as long as you live in retirement
  • Supplemental Pensions (similar to a 401k)
  • Apprentice and Journeyman Training
  • 2-5 Weeks of Vacation
  • 8-10 Holidays


See what you would make with
the IBEW in your current area.


Negotiate and enforce a collective bargaining agreement.On average, union workers earned 21% more per week than their non-union counterparts.

Give you a voice on the job. Unions protect workers from arbitrary employer actions relating to discipline and dismissals. That protection makes jobs better and often leads union members to stay at their jobs longer than non-union workers. Better training, lower turnover, and a clear role for workers’ voices in making decisions about how work gets done also means unions increase productivity.

In a non-union workplace, management retains the legal right to make all decisions regarding the workplace. Benefits including pay, pensions, healthcare, severance, vacations, and holidays can be arbitrarily cut without giving notice to the employees.

With a union, benefits and other working conditions cannot be changed at the whim of a manager or upper management; any changes to terms and conditions of employment have to be negotiated, and the members of the union or their elected representatives are able to vote for or against proposed changes. This system makes it more likely that an employer will avoid actions that it cannot justify to its employees.


As an IBEW member you will be able to receive the best training in the electrical industry at little to no charge. With training for both apprentices and journeymen, you will save thousands over the course of your career. Our dedicated instructors are constantly evolving with the industry to help make you the best electrician you can be.

  • Blueprint Reading
  • Fire Alarm Systems
  • Medium/High Voltage Splicing
  • Pipe Bending
  • Instrumentation EPRI1
  • SOARS Grounding-Code
  • Tower Climbing Safety
  • Tower Emergency Rescue
  • EVS (Electronic Vehical Stations)
  • Grounding
  • OSHA 10/30
  • PLC 1 & 2
  • Welding
  • First Aid/CPR
  • Motor Controls
  • Transformers
  • Solar
  • Code Test Prep


For unlicensed individuals, there is a State Registered apprenticeship program to help you “earn while you learn.” The tuition is free with your membership, and you may be credited for hours you have logged with the state, as well as any trade schooling you may have.

All apprentices receive a portion of the Journeyman wage & benefit package in accordance with experience. Graduated raises are automatic as you log on-the-job training hours.


The most common way people enter the IBEW is the Apprenticeship. However, many electricians start in the Trade unrepresented and un-affiliated with the IBEW. We honor that experience and have provided a method for Membership for those Electrical Workers. There is an application process for both Apprentices and Journeymen.

There are a couple of different ways to join the IBEW. The best way to start the process is to call us, so you can sit down with an Organizer and discuss your options as an IBEW member.

If you are interested in trying to organize your workplace, please contact us at one of the numbers listed below. Your phone call will be completely confidential.


  • Local Pensions
  • National Pensions
  • International Pension
  • Annuity
  • 401k Options, both Roth & Traditional


  • From 2-5 weeks paid vacation
    (depending upon the area you work)
  • 8-10 holidays paid


  • 100% Contractor funded
  • Whole family coverage
  • Health, Dental, Vision or HRA options
  • Retiree years of service discounts
  • Death benefits



With a vast pool of trained & experienced craftsmen to draw on, the IBEW offers an incredible boost to any contractor’s efficiency. Our workforce includes electricians with specialties ranging from voice/data and communications to certified welders and climbers.

Contractors can request manpower via the IBEW referral list and have electricians assembled at the jobsite in a matter of hours. Our referral system allows you the flexibility you need to scale your manpower in response to the needs of your project.